I saw your face in your hands
the tears on your cheeks
I wanted so badly
to pull you next to me.

But I knew my place
and knew that wasn't it
so all I could do
was sit and hear your tears drip

But their splash on the floor
and that look in your eyes...
I couldn't bear it anymore
I wouldn't listen to your lies.

I knew that you loved me
and I knew that you needed me
but that was just fine
because it was a mutual need


He took her in his arms
and held her close
wiped the tears from her cheek
and kissed her on the nose

Yet those tears wouldn't stop
she just cried more
So he wrapped his arms 'round
and held her closer.

But she continued to sob
and brought forth more tears
so he kissed her 'pon the cheek
and leaned her on his shoulder

They stayed there embraced
in an everlasting hug
just holding each other
until the tears stopped

Well he loved her then
and he loves her still
And she knows he'd be there for her again
and that he always will.
Copyright ©2002 Ashi Shadow (07/23/02)