You don't love me anymore, do you.
I have my memories of you to keep me company
in the wavering darkness of the night,
but you have only the echoing emptiness of my absence.
Every day that you awake, I am still not there.
Though somewhere far away I am missing you, and thinking of you.
But all you see is that I'm not there.
That the person that you knew
doesn't seem to exist anymore.
All he knows now,
is the cloak of his ambition,
trying to rise to the top of the world.

Copyright ©2008 Ashi Shadow 9/7/08 while listening to What Is Love midi.
Inspired by Heather and how my absence from our relationship is leading to its deterioration, or so I think. All I'm ever there for is to ask her for money at this point is what it seems like. So I don't think she exactly feels like the poem. But it's close enough.