You are like
the morning dew,
resting upon the grass.
The wind
rustling the stalks of prairies
and the clouds,
above the pass.
The jagged slopes
of a mountain crag
and the red dirt of which it's made.
The cousin desert
with its cracked earth
and it's plateaus elevated.

The sky blue skies
and snow white clouds
the icicles on the trees.
The leaves in fall
the redwood's bark
and the worms
beneath the earth.
The bugs in tunnels
crawling underground
to caverns that remain unseen,
the hearts that beat
inside young lovers
and the way you feel in my arms.

Copyright ©2007 Ashi Shadow

4/9/07 on Katie. Inspired by Fossil Falls (Owen River Gorge) Where the Owens River flowed across a recent basalt flow during glacial times.