You take my hopes
and dash them upon the rocks,
like an empty eggshell
_risen_(?) up by the waves

and dropped upon the reef
(as though)? by the will of the tide.

I shatter upon the reef
and flow? trickle? to either side of the rock,

before being swept away by the tide,
like some refuse (oil?) upon the water.

Copyright ©2007 Ashi Shadow 7/13/07 on waiting on the steps of natural hist. museum
She was supposed to meet me at 2:00. Katie. But didn't answer the calls when I was calling her like she said to. I waited for 45 minutes or so wanting to cry and lonely on the steps. It hurt. Eventually she picked up and came by at past 3:00. She had stayed up late with Jason and was asleep at home (dorm) having a nap. I had been afraid she might do something like that, stay up and then be too sleepy/tired for when she was with me, but though it wasn't for the reasons I thought (it was a good reason, she hadn't had time alone with him before that pretty much), it still hurt. (this was on top of cancelling the Friday outdoor concert of Tchaikovsky, for someone who was leaving that day, but I feel like she could have just seen them the days before). --> I suppose if Katie felt like she could see me any time she wanted to in her life then this was all justified, since she could just see me later.