Fallen Angel (Rises)

By Coolcat350
In the half second                              
The bullet took                                 
To reach its target                             
Which I then changed                            
I thought                                       
Or didn't                                       
Depending how you view my actions-              
But I don't care what anyone thinks of me       
Or what I did                                   
You can't die.                                  
Kill me, hurt me                                
But you-                                        
You must be alive                               
and maybe                                       
(although it is not my main motive)             
you might consider                              
that I care about you?                          
that I maybe even-                              
You wouldn't.                                   
But anything is better than the hate-           
That hurts.                                     
Just once, if you could look at me              
Without that fury blazing in your beautiful eyes
Then I could say                                
And you would know                              
Not reciprocate, of course                      
But know...                                     
Please don't hate me.                           
It hurts so much-                               
I didn't mean to hurt you!                      
I couldn't.                                     
I love you.