
Oh how I miss the happiness,                    
of being at my home.                            
The peace and calm serenity                     
there, I never feel alone.                      
But most of all I miss my friends,              
I know they're always there.                    
I know their thoughts are with me,              
I know they'll always care.                     
Sometime I get so lonely,                       
and often shed a tear.                          
I long to be with those I love,                 
and hold so very dear.*                         
This life we live with ups and downs,           
I will never understand.                        
I pray and ask my God above,                    
to please just hold my hand.                    
As I live and learn so many things,             
and travel on my way.                           
May the love of God go with me,                 
so I will see another day.                      
Eric H. Aaron                                   
Copyright ©1999 Eric Aaron                      

*I'd like it better if the poem ended here, before it changes.