
Note: This is the title I deem it, it was untitled.

I want to be there for you,                    
no matter what you are going through.          
To share the good and the bad,                 
the happy and the sad.                         
Just remember that I am always here for you... 
Because I Love You !                           
We have joined at the heart,                   
a place from which we shall never part.        
I have never been so open or safe with another,
you are my best friend and my lover.           
I thank God for you,                           
your faith and love so true.                   
We are never more than a ring away,            
any time of night or day.                      
I will do the best that I can do,              
by sending my love and prayers to you.         
Oh how I long to hold you,                     
and try to make all of your dreams come true.  
			-Debbie Joan