My Mother's Love

By Bobby Lynn Long
I miss the way she'd laugh                       
And I miss the way she'd smile                   
I miss the way that her and I                    
Would sit and talk awhile                        
I miss the way I'd call her up                   
And I'd say "hello mom"                          
And I miss how I'd ask how her day was           
And she'd say "just fine son"                    
And I miss how she'd work crossword puzzles      
And the tv shows she liked                       
And I miss how she'd try to guide me             
In my pursuit of wrong from right                
Amd I miss how on my birthday                    
She'd always fix my favorite meal                
And on times when I didn't feel that anyone cared
Her love, no one could steal                     
And though now she's gone to heaven              
Where she watches from above                     
And though, I still talk to her, and her to me   
Sometimes, I miss my mother's love

Copyright ©2000 Bobby Long