Battling Strings

People are puppets who dangle from strings          
Musing the powers who play with such things         
In opulent dramas of cunning and ruse               
The puppets perform in the paying of dues           
Each group of strings represent a belief            
System of myths that are led by a chief             
Maintaining supremacy over its wealth               
Adorning its goals while it covets in stealth       
Strings in confliction will bring on a war          
Puppets will break and then fall on the floor       
An orderly stage can't afford such a mess           
The puppet theater must act with finesse            
Battling strings in a strummed serenade             
Puppets beguiled by harmonious trade                
Will end all that mess when the strings are entwined
As new verses old in defrauding the mind            

Copyright ©2000 Ron Gregus

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