I'll Wait For You

I値l wait for you                              
I値l be the one standing by your side          
I値l be the one who watches you cry            
I値l be the one who loves to be with you       
I値l wait for you                              
I値l be the one you lean on                    
I値l be the one you run home to                
I値l be the one you reach for at night         
I値l wait for you                              
I致e waited a lifetime to find you             
I値l wait three lifetimes more                 
I won稚 change a bit until then                
I値l wait for you                              
I値l live my life as you wanted me to          
I値l have everything you wished for me and more
I値l get everything ready for when you arrive  
I値l wait for you                              
You値l see me sitting alone                    
You値l lift me into your arms and take me away 
You see patience is the only virtue I have left
So I値l wait for you.                          
-Jessica Elkin