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Why do pigeons thrive so well in cities?

Common urban pigeons, Columba livia, appear to be native to North Africa, where they usually dwell on narrow cliff ledges that might be compared to the urban roosts they take up in cities. Pigeons are also among the first birds to have been domesticated, and a large proportion of any urban pigeon population is assumed to be "feral" (once domestic and now--by virtue of escape--wild). Instead of being afraid of humans, these pigeons are used to being fed by them; they know how to take advantages of food sources that other species of birds do not--specifically, little old ladies in tennis shoes.


What do the "pushers" do on the Tokyo subway?

"Pusher" is the literal translation of "oshiya," the Japanese term for the gentlemen who make their living pushing commuters into Tokyo's overcrowded subways and trains. As a rule, two oshiya are assigned to every downtown station, each man covering half of each two-car subway train.= Since there are two doors per car, the oshiya have to be fast on their feet to get as many people in as possible. They also have to be big guys: many oshiya are recruited from the ranks of former sumo wrestlers.


How much skin is there on an average person?

The adult human body, being a notoriously variable commodity, comes equipped with an average fourteen to eighteen square feet of skin.


Did Spam win WWII for the U.S?

Spam, developed by George A. Hormel & Co. and first marketed in 1937, has been claimed by many to have been a key factor is the allies winning WWII. During WW II, Hormel sold more than half of its output to the U.S. government, which supplied Spam to the armed forces of the U.S., and also to the U.S.S.R. under the lend-lease program. Under the theory that an army travels on its stomach, an inexpensive, long-lasting and relatively tasty staple such as spam could be said to have been a key factor in victory.


How do censors in Singapore go about their job?

A film censor in Singapore claimed he used the following rule of thumb when determining whether a movie should be shown or banned: "If a film gives me a funny feeling, I know it is dirty; but if I feel nothing, I know it is culture."

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