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Bread with Viagra as an added ingredient is being marketed through a Boston bakery under the name "Pepperidge Firm".
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A politician awoke in a hospital bed after a
complicated operation, and found that the
curtains were drawn around him. "Why are the
curtains closed," he said. "Is it night?"

A nurse replied, "No, it is just that there is
a fire across the street, and we didn't want you
waking up and thinking that the operation was

Why do blondes put rulers on their foreheads?
They want to measure their intelligence.

Why was the blonde reviewing the ABCs?
She was studying for a multiple choice test.

Why do blondes stand under light bulbs?
It's the closest they'll come to a bright idea.

One day, an ape escaped from the Bronx Zoo. They searched
for him everywhere in every borough. They announced his
disappearance on the radio and television as well as in the
newspapers, but no one reported seeing the ape.

At last, the ape was found in the New York Public Library.
Officials of the zoo and the animal handlers were summoned
to the library. They found the ape sitting at a desk in the
reading room with two books spread out in front of him. The
ape was reading with great concentration. One book was the
Bible; the other was a book written by Darwin.

The zookeepers asked the ape what he was doing.

The ape replied, "I'm trying to figure out whether I am my
brother's keeper or my keeper's brother."

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