AUTHOR: Mark Twain (1835–1910) QUOTATION: There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics.

"Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on or by imbeciles who really mean
it." --Mark Twain

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An NBC News poll has found that if the election were held today, 31% of California voters would vote for Arnold Schwarzenegger and 26% were not sure. Today Gray Davis announced he is changing his name to "Not Sure." --Jay Leno

"Unless you can see somebody's eyebrows it's very difficult to communicate. That's why dogs are more popular than cats - because they have eyebrows." --Rocker David Lee Roth on why his tour includes "intimate venues".

What's the biggest a minnow can get?

Carp are the largest of the minnows - it's a big family, including over 300 American species, mainly small freshwater fishes. True minnows (family Cyprinidae) are soft-rayed fishes with teeth in their throats only.

How do pigeons find their way?

Pigeons and hummingbirds have tiny magnetic particles in their heads that respond to the Earth's magnetic fields and are used for navigation.

Why are so many people so tired?

In the past few years, doctors have identified more than 100 sleep disorders, but the one most people suffer from is simply not taking the time to get enough sleep.

How short was Napoleon?

History has diminished the great general's reputation - Although most people think that Napoleon was short, he was actually five feet, six inches tall (1.676 meters), an average height for a Frenchman in those days.<ô8K -------
How much of us is water?

Water makes up 60 percent of our body weight. Of the water, 8 percent is in the blood, 25 percent in the spaces between cells, and 67 percent inside the cells.

How were accomodations for those travelling in early America?

In early America, simple wooden beds and straw mattresses were the rule in all but the wealthiest of homes. American inns during the Revolutionary War era were not lush or comfortable, and an innkeeper would think nothing of requesting that a guest share his bed with a stranger when accommodations became scarce.

Does the U.S. Army have a double standard?

To pass U.S. Army basic training, young female recruits must do 17 pushups in two minutes. Males must do 40 pushups in two minutes.

How short was Napoleon?

History has diminished the great general's reputation - Although most people think that Napoleon was short, he was actually five feet, six inches tall (1.676 meters), an average height for a Frenchman in those days.<ô1/4\

What do grocery shoppers complain about most?

Bananas consistently are the number one complaint of grocery shoppers. Most people complain when bananas are overripe or even freckled. The fact is that spotted bananas are sweeter, with a sugar content of more than 20%, compared with 3% in a green banana. Bananas are the world's most popular fruit after tomatoes. In western countries, they could account for 3% of a grocer's total sales.

Was that Beatles song with Lucy really about drugs?

The Beatles song "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" does not stand for "LSD." The title actually comes from John Lennon's son Julian, who left his mark on more than one Beatles song. His drawing of a nursery school classmate, Lucy O'Donnell caught his father's eye. When asked what it was called, Julian replied, "Lucy in the sky with diamonds."

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