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New Trip Planner

Enables You To Plan Travels According to likely Outdoors Thermal Comfort Anywhere in the United States The main focus of this one-source travel-planning guide is on outdoors leisure thermal comfort, which is calculated from historical values of dew point and ambient temperature and is displayed for more than 300 cities within the 50 states. Thermal comfort is expressed by means of a simple and internationally accredited scale, based on the work of Dr. P.O. Fanger. The book also contains tables of average monthly precipitation and snow depth; these, together with the companion tables of thermal comfort, equip the wedding planner, tourist, vacationer, retiree and business traveler with the essential information to aid their travel planning. FACT: Fees for access to equivalent online data from government maintained Web sites (NOAA and NCDC) vary from $3.00 per city-month or $300 for annual unlimited access. (Random access to the same amount of equivalent raw data as contained in this book could cost up to $11,000.) Most U.S. cities are an outdoors comfort paradise at some time during the year. Plan your travels for ideal weather at any time and any place. Bloomington, MN - Hot, cold, wet or dry, the weather can make or break a good time on many trips. For practical use by the traveler, How's The Weather? condenses the voluminous amount of United States climate information down to three essential data sets for more than 300 cities, namely: precipitation, snow depth and outdoors leisure thermal comfort (the latter determined mathematically from historical air moisture and temperature). Summer rain is great for vegetation, but not for vacationers. Skiers love a winter wonderland, but only if the snow is one to two feet deep, on the other hand, the non-skier prefers to view the snow-free landscape. Sunny weather is the ideal, but not if the humidity is so high that you can wring moisture out of your shirt within minutes. Finding the conditions that are best for you at the right time of the year used to be a game of chance. Now tourists and travelers have a handy new resource to plan around the weather. Although you can find day-to-day weather information online or from the news media instantaneously, it is not the best for advance planning. How's The Weather? Find Your Outdoors Comfort Paradise in the U.S. (published by ASK Analytic Services, Inc., ISBN: 09703123 X, $29.95), is a detailed guide useful for all kinds of travelers when planning trips, for those looking for a new place to live or even for event planners who stage conferences and meetings. Virtually every location in the United States is a comfort paradise for at least a brief period throughout the year. On the other hand, most regions can exhibit very unpleasant weather at other times. This resource book enables the reader to conveniently evaluate the outdoors comfort conditions at his or her destination site for the period of interest. Examples: Miami, FL, typically has very unpleasant weather in July, but this city is a comfort paradise in March. Fairbanks, AK, typically has unpleasant weather during the winter, but is a comfort paradise in July. The author has delved into a huge database of U.S. climate data to come up with convenient approaches to estimate the expected thermal comfort conditions anywhere in the country at any given time of the year. You can even look at the data in snapshots of the weather from three times during the day (sunrise, midday and sunset) to help determine where and when to travel. How's The Weather? Find Your Outdoors Comfort Paradise in the U.S. is a valuable travel planner for anyone who is preparing for a trip or event.
Contents Never out-of-date: Based on up to 50 years of averaged climate data, charts and tables in this book are virtually ageless.
(Note: The average is most probable.) About The Author: James Kennedy is a self-proclaimed treasure hunter in the sense that the words treasure and outdoors comfort paradise have almost the same meaning to him. By analyzing historical climate data, he enjoys uncovering those specific times when U.S. cities exhibit their optimum outdoors comfort. He holds the M.S. in Chemistry (University of Minnesota, 1965) and an M.S. with specialization in Mechanical Engineering (National Technological University, 1994). During his 28-year career with Honeywell, Inc. and Alliant Techsystems, Inc., he has been awarded five patents and functioned as Principal Systems Analyst, Technical Staff Engineer and Principal Design Engineer. How's The Weather? : Find Your Outdoors Comfort Paradise in the U.S. by James L. Kennedy. Original edition: 11 x 8 1/2, 272 pages with 16 color pages. ISBN: 0-9703123 X, LCCN: 00-192410. Publication: Winter 2001 - 2002. Available for $29.95 at and in most bookstores or by contacting ASK Analytic Services at:
Web site: For more information, please contact: James Kennedy
Ask Analytic Services, Inc.

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