Travel Information > British Columbia's Great Bear Rainforest

British Columbia's Great Bear Rainforest

Bring your curiosity, your sense of adventure, and your camera to the mystical world of the Spirit Bear and be prepared to let our group and this wonder-filled setting delight your senses. Sailing, beachcombing, kayaking, photography, hiking, bear-viewing, food-gathering, wolves, whales, First Nation's culture, old growth rainforest and great food, await the special few that embark on this journey. In September 2002, Living Planet Experiences Un-Limited will travel to Princess Royal Island, B.C. with just 7 guests on what promises to be a spectacular once-in-a-lifetime journey to the home of the rare and elusive Spirit Bear. Your hosts will lead you on an exhilarating and unforgettable quest to the sacred home of this rare and endangered animal. British Columbia's Great Bear Rainforest is the only home on earth of the ghost-white Spirit Bear, a rare subspecies of black bear. Pristine rainforest valleys blanketed by verdant forests of 800-year-old cedar, Sitka spruce, and hemlock, the Great Bear is also one of the world's last large expanses of temperate coastal rainforest. A remote rugged expanse of misty islands and fjords, British Columbia's Great Bear Rainforest is a dazzling reminder of the primordial Pacific Northwest. It is one of the last relatively undisturbed precincts left of a swath of giant trees, wild salmon runs, and abundant wildlife that once stretched from mid-California to southern Alaska as the world's longest coastal temperate rainforest. The number of white spirit bears existing in the wild is believed to number fewer than four hundred, with the highest concentration occurring around Princess Royal and Gribbell Islands on B.C.'s north coast. After seven awe-inspiring days you will come away with memories of a truly unique experience, photos to give evidence to your newly honed photography skills, a greater awareness of the delicacy of this special ecosystem, and even some new friends! For further information, please visit the web site below or contact:
1.877.511.6464 In North America
01.403.216.3436 Overseas Living Planet Experiences Un-Limited
#3400, 205 - 5th Avenue
Calgary, AB, T2P 2V7 For Additional Information, please contact: Linda Wiebe
Living Planet Experiences Un-Limited

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