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Aurora Light Art

Welcome to Aurora Light Art, 

I hope that you respect and enjoy the photos as well as personal pieces of artwork done by Autumn Laird.  It is a mixture of Celtic nature influences and dreamland.  There is also a lot of poetry and prose to be found, for each picture tells a story.  Some of them are true, and some of them are my own imaginations.  Fantasy is key to creating colors, while a good sense of history and mythology can enforce what the meaning and shapes of a design element can be.  Often when I work on a piece, something tells me to do it this way or that way, or if I am taking a photo a certain amount of peace overcomes me at the perfect moment.  That is the way the rays of Awen spread their wings around an artist, they are apparent in the Aurora without any help from me; though I do love the dance.  Its all a matter of timing and grace, so please take a moment and reflect, maybe they mean something to you as well.  I would love to hear what stories or memories are stirred for you, may you feel the light and color of what I have felt creating them.  

If you would like to see all my artwork please go to the group, it is found in the photos section - Only Members can view them.  However in time I will add a artwork page and a photograph section here to sample some of what I have created - there are already a few hidden among the other page links.   Please be patient and bear with any broken links as scanned images are more unstable to deal with.

The Artist:

Born and raised in rural Southern Wisconsin, there was a lot of time for solitude and observation.  I had some very good teachers, namely my mother to allow me to bring out my artistic flare.  She has a passion for sewing and crafts; before I was born she graduated with an art degree.  My father works in the printing industry, so I was introduced to that while I prepped my pocketbook for Northland College.  While I went on to pursue a education in Environmental Studies at Northland College, I often looked back at my myriads of art courses through high school and took a few more while attending college to relieve the stress of my other classes.  The release came finally in my senior year, where the soothing Lake Superior lapped and I found a love of art and poetry creating a spell to pull me through.  I had gained so many encouraging friends by then, and began to concentrate more fully on my spirituality and pathwork.  My eyes were drawn to the northern sky, where in wintertime the Aurora's played.  They had always given me hope and beauty, something more miraculous than I could ever paint.  And I saw my love of nature blossom, and my art grow fuller as I experienced the light of spirit that entered into my heart.  That is what Aurora Light is about, that no matter how dark things may seem to be or how fast a moment passes you can still carry the aura of those moments with you and reflect on how they shape your life.  When I began studying the medieval and Celtic influences of myself, many things became clear and I focused on that element to paint my dragons.  I live back at home again, an avid birdwatcher and I listen to the land.  I miss the waters of Superior but I love parts of my home equally, and I have found a resonance within my friends from college and my websites that support me with all that I need to continue to paint and take photos.  But more importantly, to continue to share my inner light.

You can find my artwork featured in a few places now. Since early on I had displayed in many different local areas like 4-H fairs, the local high school and the yearbooks, and even later in college at a coffee shop in Ashland called The Black Cat.  I even had a few pictures seek an audience through the workplace and my medieval recreation activities. But mostly it can all be seen through my Yahoo group called Autumn Magick.  Most recently my photos and poems have taken on a new life on the part of a few friends and their businesses, I welcome an opportunity for them to live on so who knows what kind of future they hold and where they may bring me.

My younger sister also has a mind for her artwork.  Her artwork can be seen in various pages of mine which I soon hope to be able to display, but for now you have to be patient as I work out the kinks.  Rosie's influences come in the way of her faerie-craft, angels, and sometimes a little something darker.  In time, together my stories and her art have bonded.  I love her books of images circling around the faerie world.  She takes a lot from the garden into her sketchbook, and spends a lot of time planting seeds, pulling weeds, and enjoying the yard.  While both my sisters are avid gardeners, I prefer something more wild.  I like the forests where every plant can be hidden away, tucked like a simple miracle all in a community of nature.  While these differences are clear, my older sister Heather has taken a focus on her healing arts with a Native American influence, Rosie though has her own style and pizzazz and is quite happy at home dreaming among her flowers.   She looks young but in truth she is only a year younger than me, it must be the faeries.