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Autumn Magick


Autumn Joy Laird

Come sing with me about the green wood,

Stand in the swaying brush,

Listen to the breeze whispering secrets,

All around life is growing,

Recycling itself in purity,

Overtaking signs of habitation,

Reclaiming its place among men,

Silently it wraps its vines of healing,

Reaching its tendrils of life into cold death,

Gives new air to the old home,

And the green blossoms grow strong,

Year after year it changes,

Slowly the Stag God watches with his deep brown eyes,

He stands protecting with his mighty staff,

The wolf howls and joins his League,

The serpent coils its mystery and cool presence,

Fertility gains a slow hand,

But with a little sun and rain,

And the shadow of resting night,

The forest comes in stages of rebirth,

The oak of the whispering plains,

Comes at last to the ancient grove,

And on the land where felled tree shadows lingered,

They left their offspring seed,

With but a little touch of love,

And the elements from below and above,

Comes forth the tiny sprouts,

And gingerly the environment grows,

Wildness will never be gone,

For it speaks on the wind rain and earth song,

The protector stag knows this,

And welcomes back the trees when the land is left alone,

Return to us oh protector,

Let the sleep of your years and the degradation by fear be gone,

Love of the wild places surges in our souls,

Seeking out solace from the green groves,

We can fear the deep mystery of nature's hand,

But it is better to have the enigma of the Greenman,

For the prosper of man can only come from nature's bounty,

The fruits of the fall cannot exist without the renewal of land,

For it has been exhausted and the time to become protectors is here,

Watch carefully for the Stag Lord to appear,

When he comes be gentle and loving and show no fear,

Offer him the truth of the green pledge and knowledge of soul,

The spirit will in time know,

What it is that makes the magick of the autumn,

Brings us our harvest of spiritual peace,

And helps in turn allow us to grow.