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For Melissa:

This space is yours,

Because you are my friend,

When you have words to fill,

It will be here for you waiting,

A page in my heart,

A chapter that met in the leafs of life,

Meeting at the crossroads,

Spiraling on in joy and sorrow,

Leaning upon each other,

Like staves to the weary walker,

Each year passes and I will remember,

I have little but to give,

Except my heart and my ears,

My voice reaching out to comfort,

To lighten the burdens we bear,

And maybe that will be what lasts,

Longer than the memories of time shared,

As we grow and change,

Going on our own ways,

The space for a voice yet to fill,

Lies like a river of fresh water,

Bathing us in renewal,

And our friendship hangs on,

Two animals under the sun and moon,

Guided by the stars wheel,

In a native chant we rise,

Giving to each other kinship within the warrior's eyes,

Strong though we may be,

Weak though we may feel,

Union of the forces in the rhythm,

Will only hasten our tight ties,

And upon each birthday,

There is so much I would like to give,

But for now you have me,

And company we shall be,

Candles that flicker in synchronicity,

And when you find your place,

Have words to sing,

I know where to put them,

Keep them for eyes to see,

Because love between sisterhood stands strong,

Our hearts speak to one another,

Finding a way through each storm,

Together we write our own book,

Yet characters we may be in the same chapters,

We will always be free,

And acknowledge the paces upon the road,

The strides taken are not alone,

For I read on eagerly turning,

Smiling with you and crying too,

Because friends do that,

Each moment is sacred together or apart,

But I have held love and it has grown,

Because you were there right beside,

So I await your words,

With eager anticipation,

Hoping and blessing you with all I have to give,

On the birthdays the mean the most,

Marking a passage upon life.

Love you Bear, Happy Birthday!!!

Love, Audie