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Winter Solstice


Autumn Laird


Welcome into the charmed circle of Winter,

The shrine of the winter canopy,

Encased in jewels of crystal spirals from the trees,

Frost feathers glistens winter's magick touch,

The chalice of remembrance calls,

Who is it that calls the sun in the east forth over the land?

Who is it that sets the sun in the west?

Who is it that blows the snows of the north?

Who is it that blows the snow south?

Who is it that sets the winter season upon the land?

Who is it that turns the Earth cycles for snow to set in winter's sleep?

The finger of light on the shortest day of the year,

Passes to rise at dawn to see the glory of birth,

It comes when life springs from the mirror of snow,

Refracting on the crystal towers of white ice,

Warming the land in a cold glow that springs softly and slow,

Deep are our deeds of shadow and light,

Remember who calls the day forth,

Hear the voice of the past, present, and future,

Make change to reflect the light of the Newborn King,

Inspired vistas run on vast sheets of imagination,

Blank canvas for winter magic working,

See between the worlds and know true self,

Bring joy home and happiness for the time passes of dark into light,

Solstice of the Earth's gifts,

Blessing the human spirits rejoicing within,

Call upon the hearth and warm your spirit with stories of bardic days,

Call upon the nature of human ways,

And make a concentric prayer spiraling inwards,

As we gaze upon the sun and confront our turas,

The pilgrimage of the sunwise walk to the gateway time,

Mystical intentions building power of the soul's thread,

Strengthening our bonds to our home-life and friends,

Experience the cool dawn of the new light to the year,

Sacred time of wisdom and caring for all those near,

Call forth upon the magick energies of the crystal land,

Painting a sky on the land,

Reflecting our inner selves as a time for wholeness and joy,

Communicating with our hidden selves in spiritual renewal,

Witnessing the dawning of changes -

To bring new peace to the heart, soul, and mind,

We are welcomed in the sacred circle of Winter's canopy,

Embraced in the light reflected in our solace of reflection,

For the coming King we have touched our voice of joy.