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Moon Magick

Deep into the night,

There is a magick that emerges,

From the shadowy hills,

Comes the moon that rises,

In its form be it full or new,

There comes a powerful force,

Ruling over you,

And when you open your senses,

You feel the magick touching you,

Offering you a glimpse,

Into the shadow worlds beyond normal view,

That descends in the mist and dew,

In that night you may sometimes see,

That magick resides all around thee,

Calling you from your beds,

Offering a place to walk enchanted,

And all that you see is real,

Though in the day you may doubt,

That anything you saw could look so strange out,

But it is there waiting for you to pay attention,

Asking you - inviting you,

To the grand celebration,

For that which wheels in the sky,

We can time our life by,

The celestial grandeur of night,

Spun into a magick sight,

By the light of the moon,

That rises over you.


In all these photos look for what is hidden, look with your inner eye and tell me where magic lies.  They were taken with a normal 35mm camera without any special lenses, any special computer modifications, they are as they were developed to me.  I scanned them in so you may see the night as clearly as I do, but I assure you they are there to witness regardless.  The photos were taken when I felt the spirit pull me to the beautiful night sky, where the moon hung with simple enchanting beauty.  On some occasions I feel I was blessed by other presences and my sister had felt them too.  She works with the fey and so thus I think I captured some of the magick to share here with you that I felt all around me on those nights.  Never take for granted the simple omens and spell the moon can weave.  For it leaves patterns throughout our lives regardless of our doubts held in the daytime.

Poem & Photographs by Autumn J. Laird