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The Summoning of the Moon's Ring

The moon
Calls to you from across time
Through the ocean and through the waves
Sailing on the orb across the distance
Riding on the sky's brightest stars
Through the mists of endless nights
Dolphins leap and jump
At the prow of the ship's journey
Calling to you a place so far away
Yet near at heart through the moon's subtle light
Closer and closer through the night veils calling
The curtain of night pulls your soul flight onward
Joining into the song of silence
Thrumming in energy like a harp made of night
Slowly turning faces of Selene
Silver and iridescent waxim wings
Spinning threads of moon rings
Twined around your fingers
Calling the mists power in hand
Mind is cleansed of all thought
But the light that shines above
And beyond as the waters pass
Bringing you to the distant land
Slow the shadows of apple trees outline
On a horizon low a place made of mists
Only as one who seeks this sacred gift
A call to heart and open mind
Whispering the ancient words
To open the gateway of the land to behold
The tide lapping against the boat
Shadowed by a standing gaze
Locked onto a memory and a vision
Which the moon's full power holds
As the waves land upon the sand
Light footsteps knowing each place
Soft through the orchard
To the stone ring where giants danced
Telling you that you are home
And to the ancient well the path traces
Through night and tree to the place
Where a mirror of the moon rises overhead
Voices swirling in the misty air
Lights dancing out of reach
Blushes of wings against cheek
Past the rising hill in moonlight trance
Closer and closer to the clear waters
Trickling life stream to the oceans hungry waters
But pure and full is the taste
Fresh from cool night
It brings clarity and the song sings
Humming louder to the ancestors
Gathering spirits embracing
Now traces of images flash
Deeper and deeper into the pool
Where willow woman watches
The sacred place of feminine journey
To the heart of the mother
Beyond the veil into the mist
Called by the moon's rings
Knowledge from the sacred salmon springs
Still with the sight in hand
Back to the boat waving anon
To the bed for where my feet led
Slow and steady and the moon's face wanes
To the western horizon where dawn comes
My silent walk to seek the one loved
Found within the apple trees
On the shores of Avalon
To the boat where the dolphins wait
Sweet selchie answering
Slipping into the water
Fast and calm with fresh renewal
Again and again in the thirteen moons
The path of the silver strings
Made in a journey of mystery
Towards the very center of magic
Source for comfort and peace
Come on the boat across the sea
Tears parting the way
To the land of waking day
For the place forever to remain
In the shadow of the moon
In the mists of the island's shroud
To keep those whose secrets would tell
Now again call to flight
For the Goddess is strong in life
Wishing to come again and again
To find a source for her course
Bringing the cycles to harmony
Balance of day with night
Through the moon's channels
To the sea and beyond
Path of retracing blood
In the veins of self knowledge
Power will come
But yet it too must the tides carry
So that you are readied
To hold the mysteries revealed
In the summoning
By the moon's silver ring.

By Autumn