Banduraqueen's Fun
Dollsome's Fun
Buffy Fanfiction
The Speed of Glaciers, Maybe Fanfiction by Annakovsky. Especially reccomended is the series of stories "Now Leaving Sunnydale", "Now Entering Elsewhere" and "Getting Off the Griefmobile"
Djinn's Lair If you 'ship Buffy/Giles, you definitely want to check out Djinn's "Where Do We Go From Here?" series.
Yahtzee Who doesn't like Yahtzee? No one we can think of. There are few authors we would recommend whose sites are not already linked here. But there are two of them: Watcher.mine and Fairfax. Search for them.
The Chosen A popular fan-written Season 8 and 9.
Someplace That Is Else A fan-written Season 8. Hopefully to be continued. Somewhat darker than The Chosen
Other Buffy Stuff
Slayage The Online International Journal of Buffy Studies. Scads of thought-provoking academic essays on our favourite show.
The Annotated Buffy The transcripts of the first two and a half seasons of Buffy extensively annotated and analyzed in-depth.
WHEDONesque The #1 source for all your latest news on everything Joss.
The Buffyverse Dialogue Database An exhaustive, searchable database of dialogue of both Buffy and Angel. Useful resource when writing fanfiction.
The Buffyverse Music Video Database Music videos are fun.