Banduraqueen’s Fun
Hi. I'm Banduraqueen. I'm a Canadian university student, majoring in English and History. This is my Buffy the Vampire Slayer fanfiction. The two stories I have posted here are very different in tone, length and form, but they're alike in that my primary concern when writing them was to be true to the characters and the internal logic of the Jossverse. Also, they both 'ship Buffy/Giles, because I *heart* Giles and am a sucker for May/December romances. If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, feedback is very much appreciated and can be sent to Thanks for reading.
Welcome to Ever After
Summary: It's been a year since Sunnydale sunk into the earth and the Scooby Gang split-up around the globe. Now, in the wake of the demonic take-over of L.A., they reunite to bring down Wolfram & Hart. Can they work together again or has too much changed?
Genre: General, Romance, Action
Rating: PG13.
Characters: Ensemble. All the characters of both Buffy and Angel, although primarily Buffy, Giles, Xander and Willow.
Ships: Buffy/Giles, some Buffy/Angel, implied Xander/OC, and lots of friendshippiness all around.
Warnings: Death and grievous injuries befall secondary characters. Also, some swearing.
Length: Long. Epic, even. But worth the read.
Status: In progress
What If?
Summary: "The Prom" is a seminal episode for many Buffy/Giles 'shippers for the moment when it looked as if Giles was just about to ask Buffy to dance. What if Angel had shown up a few minutes later, instead of barging in and ruining everything?
Genre: Fluff, Angst (yes, both fuff AND angst!), Romance.
Rating: PG13.
Characters: Buffy and Giles. Willow in a supporting roles. Angel, Joyce, Anya and Xander in minor roles.
Ships: Buffy/Giles.
Warnings: None.
Length: Medium. There will be about 14 chapters, but they're all pretty short.
Status: Complete! W00t!
Dollsome's Fun
Dollsome (me) is a 22 year-old Canadian university undergrad and wannabe law student who loves all things Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Giles is my favourite character and Giles/Jenny is the cutest 'ship ever on BtVS and one of the most under-written in fan fiction, so I've taken it upon myself to fill the gulf. I write other stuff too. If you have any feedback at all, whether positive, negative, or indifferent, please send it to
Five Things That Never Happened To J.
Summary: Jesse. Jenny. Joyce. Jonathan. Four characters whose names begin with the letter "J", five things that might have happened to each of them had things gone differently.
Genre: Angst, romance, comedy. In that order.
Rating: PG13.
Characters: Jesse, Jenny, Joyce, Jonathan. Also includes Willow, Faith, Teresa (the girl who got killed in "Phases"), Giles, Xander, Anya, Darla, Dawn, Buffy, Drusilla, Andrew, and Amanda.
Ships: VampJesse/VampWillow, Jesse/Willow, Jesse/Teresa, Jesse and Faith friendship, Giles/Jenny, Drusilla/VampJonathan, and Jonathan/Amanda.
Length: Short-medium.
Summary: Passion. Love. Loss.
Genre: Romance, angst
Rating: PG13.
Characters: Giles, Jenny. Buffy and Angel make appearances.
Ships: Giles/Jenny.
Length: Short, one-shot.
Stalwart & True
Summary: My response to Lies My Parents Told Me and the damage it did to Giles and Buffy's relationship, which was never properly resolved on the show. It rehabilitates Giles, but gets a little dark first. That's all I'm saying about it. (For mood, first watch the fan-made music vid "Bed of Lies", by catatonic1242. Second from the top).
Genre: Angst
Rating: PG13.
Characters:All the Scoobies
Ships: Buffy and Giles friendship, Scooby friendship.
Length: Medium. Six chapters.
Summary: A cute little (well, not really little, it's several chapters) fic that I intend to finish eventually. Giles and Jenny meet in London, twelve years before Sunnydale. The year is 1985, on the night of Giles' thirtieth birthday, when he saves a mysterious American girl from a vampire attack...
Genre: Romance, gets kinda angsty, with a fluff ending
Rating: PG13.
Characters: Giles, Jenny and some original characters.
Ships: Giles/Jenny.
Length: Medium-longish.
100 Drabbles and Shorts
Summary: This is pretty self-explanitory. There are 100 prompts from which I will write 100 drabbles and short fics, encompassing all characters and seasons of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Right now, I have... twenty-one.
Genre: Probably a bit of everything, mostly romance, angst, and comedy
Rating: PG13.
Characters: Hopefully I'll be able to include all of them. So far, I've got Buffy, Dawn, Willow, Xander, Giles, Faith, Spike, Tara, Angel, Wesley, Jonathan, and Richard Wilkins III.
Ships: Probably all of them by the time I'm done. I will stay within the realm of canon, though. Probably. Right now I've got a bit of Spuffy, Willow/Tara, Willow/Giles (strictly canon), Bangel, Xander/Buffy (again, strictly canon), and pre-school Willow/Xander.
Length: A long series of short things
More Than Anything
More Than Anything was the first fic I ever wrote, in the midst of S7, before the advent of Commandant!Buffy and Pod-Giles. It's basically how I would bring back Jenny Calendar. It's not bad for a first attempt, and I like it so much, I'm in the process of giving a re-write, to give it the benefit of three years worth of experience and perspective. It's also my only fic that's in teleplay format.
Summary: It's five years after Jenny died, and Giles is thinking about her more than ever. Meanwhile, the First is looking for new and creative ways to tear the Scoobies apart...
Genre: General, Romance, Action
Rating: PG13.
Characters: Primarily Giles, Jenny, and Buffy, but Willow has some key scenes and other characters appear as well.
Ships: Giles/Jenny, Buffy and Giles friendship.
Length: Longish.
DISCLAIMER: The characters in the above stories are not mine and writing about them benefits me in no way, shape or form, especially not monetarily. Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, et. al. own everything and I bow down before them.