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Scene In Passing
L. G. Bast

Dull old cars sit weary
On the lot across the way
As old men too, sit weary
On park benches day by day
Their paint all cracked and pealing
Cosmetics all askew
Their bodies bent and wrinkled
Death Grey replaces hue
Their teeth becoming rotten
Crowsfeet around their eyes
Memories not forgotten
Still bring on hearty sighs

Fast cars along the highway
Like kids, shiny and new
No thoughts of destination
The trip will see them through
Sun on their fresh paint gleaming
So bright, so clean, so new
But sunlight, time, and dreaming
Fades skins complexion true
Cruising down along the road
Not one care in the world
Toward the lot across the way
Abandoned, dull and gnarled.

This is the end of all who run
Along the road, so strong
Their strength and speed will lead them
To abandonment’s last home.
Their fenders bent, get rusted
Their eyes grow dim with age
A climax to the book of life
They’ll turned the final page
They’ll park themselves someday real soon
On the lot across the way
They’ll sit right down; they’ll sit real still
And pass their final days

return home