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The Pickle Party

Pa Pickle plays piano, in a band, just down the street.
Ma Pickle plays the piccolo with little pickle feet
Gertey Gherkin is a pickle; she’s the leader of this fleet
And Donny Dill plays sour bass with a beat that’s really neat.

I’m not sure that I’ve mentioned Daisy Pickle likes to dance
And when she gets up on the stage you ought to see her prance
She once was not as spry as this; still she went and took a chance
And now she stars up on that stage, each chance, perchance to dance.

As previously mentioned Donny Dill plays sour bass
And dancing Daisy Pickle will not fall upon her face
And little Baby Gherkin' he sings with style and grace
He wears a bib to because he drools, made of lace below his face.

Now when the Pickles start to play, Daisy dances to the song
Of little Baby Gherkin, and the crowd all sings along
The partying is out of sight, such fun cannot be wrong
They’ll play and sing and dance all night till the moment passes on.

So join into the singing, yes join the happy throng
For when the party’s over, the fun will all be gone
Don’t waste your life just waiting, your time may not be long
Just get out and enjoy yourself; sing a happy pickle song.

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