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running dog lackey — Profile

Name:  The Unknown Citizen
Location:  Anytown, Your State
Birthday:  24 October, 1929
Bio:  All we know with certainty about this unknown citizen is that he maintains a weblog. Based on his apparent age, the birth date given in this profile cannot be accurate. We believe that he became confused when entering the date and accidentally entered the date of the stock market crash of '29. He is not very good at filling in electronic forms as he thinks they are a form of black magic. The true date and place of his birth have been lost in the mists of time largely because no one present was paying much attention. It was an unremarkable birth that coincided with a wonderful night of television viewing. This combination brought the unknown citizen into the world in an almost complete state of anonymity. His subsequent strivings, successes and failures have been so minor that they have utterly failed to change this state. Like most men his age, he has recently come to embrace his lack of uniqueness.
Interests:  He is interested in his own thoughts, and he shares the common delusion that this means other people will also find them interesting. He also enjoys poetry and the ukulele. Some people feel that his fondness for ukulele playing may account for his relative meager social life. We suspect that he didn't date much even before he discovered the ukulele.
Blog Created:  Wednesday, 21 January 2004
Last Updated:  Saturday, 20 March 2004 - 9:18 PM CST
Blog Entries:  21

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