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On May 16, 2002 my best friend,Tammy comitted suicide If you have ever considered suicide, please take a moment to read what it is like for those of us left behind.

I will NEVER forget the day that my best friend died. It was Thursday, May 16, 2002. I had talked to Tammy at 12:48pm, just 2 1/2 hours before she ended her life. During that phone call everything seemed to be fine. At approximately 4:00pm, I returned home from picking up my 8 year old daughter from school. That is when my nightmare began. Tammy's 8 year old daughter had arrived at my house. She was greeted by a fireman after school who told her to go to her friend Amanda's house. My oldest daughter and I then went to Tammy's house only to find crime scene tape and police everywhere. It was then that I was informed of her death. During this time her daughter and mine were playing, swimming, laughing, not knowing a thing. I felt so guilty, I knew, but they didn't, I had to wait for a Victims Advocate to tell Taylor, I could not do it. My point is that this suicide affected not only Tammy's daughter, husband, parents, sister, and brother, but myself,my children, and many other people. So I ask you to look around you, there are people who care about you, people who would be devastated if you ended your life!

I also ask that you read the next few sentences and really think before you act on any suicidal thoughts. It doesn't matter just what method of suicide you have chosen.The end result is still the same,you've ended your life, it's over, it's done. You cannot change your mind, you cannot take it back. So no matter what your situation, whatever got you to your darkest moment, remember that problems are temporary, for depression there's medicine, for suicide there's a funeral!

A person who dies of suicide, dies but once. Those left behind.........die a 1000 Deaths.

"Every 18 minutes someone in the U.S. dies by
"Every 19 minutes someone is left to make sense of it."

My prayer for you

I said a prayer
For you today,
I prayed that your suicidal thoughts,
Would soon go away.

I prayed that
From the start,
You would hear these words,
Coming from my heart.

Although you may not know me,
I want to be your friend,
My thoughts and prayers are that,
Your life you will not end.
Written by,
Beth Simmons

The following was written by a woman named Heather,
she has been in your shoes, please read
what she has to say.
Thank you Heather for your honesty.

I know first hand the pain that would cause someone
to take their life. I spent my entire teenage
life depressed. I didn't have many friends, my
dad lived out of state and my mom was an
alcoholic who seemed to care more about her
boyfriends than me. I spent most of my time alone
in my room writing poems, listening to sad music,
and cutting myself.

I attempted to kill myself a few times. All but one
attempt was a cry for help. My serious attempt
landed me in the hospital for a week and very
near death. After I returned home, things went
right back to the way they were. I spent many years depressed (I refer to that time as my dark days.)

So many people expected me to just snap out of it.
They said it was a phase or I was just looking
for attention. I felt like there was something
abnormal about me. I had no idea how very common depression is.

I just want to say that life really does get better.
I know, I wouldn't have believed it if someone
told me that. I never could have imagined the
joys I would experience later in life. I learned a
few things as I was recovering from depression. First I learned that there really is help out there,
and there's no shame in getting it. Like I said,
depression is common. I didn't actually get help until just over a year ago. I had a nervous breakdown
and my husband made me go see a doctor. My doctor put me on Paxil and it has helped so much.

I also learned how to appreciate life. I learned to
enjoy the small things, like a summer breeze.

I realized that life has so much to offer. If I had
succeeded, I would have missed out on so many
things. Sure, my life isn't perfect. I still have
bad days, and even bad weeks. That's what
life is. Ups and downs. Believe me, I hit rock
bottom. I had nothing. Literally, I lived in my
car when I was 18. I was neglected as a teenager,
abused, raped...the list goes on. But
you know, you can either live your life in a
shell and depressed, or you can seek help and
become a stronger, wiser person.

There are some wonderful things in this world,
wonderful experiences waiting to happen. But if
you kill yourself, you will never get to know them.

I know that my story is somewhat vague, I left out a
lot of details, otherwise this would have gone on
and on....But if there is anything you want to
know about my experience, or if you need someone
to talk to who truely does understand the pain,
please email me. Just know that there are people
out there who want to help you.

My email is

The Starfish

As I walked along the seashore
this young boy greeted me
He was tossing stranded starfish
back to the deep blue sea.
I said "Tell me why you bother,
why you waste your time this way
There's a million stranded starfish,
does it matter, anyway?"
And he said "It matters to this one,
It deserves a chance to grow.
It matters to this one;
I can't save them all I know.
But it matters to this one,
I'll return it to the sea.
It matters to this one,
And it matters to me."
--Author Unknown


Every day is so wonderful
And suddenly, it's hard to breathe
Now and then, I get insecure
From all the fame, I'm so ashamed

I am beautiful no matter what they say
Words can't bring me down
I am beautiful in every single way
Yes, words can't bring me down
So don't you bring me down today

To all your friends, you're delirious
So consumed in all your doom
Trying hard to fill the emptiness
The piece is gone and the puzzle undone
That's the way it is

You are beautiful no matter what they say
Words won't bring you down
You are beautiful in every single way
Yes, words won't bring you down

Don't you bring me down today...

No matter what we do
(no matter what we do)
No matter what they say
(no matter what they say)
When the sun is shining through
Then the clouds won't stay

And everywhere we go
(everywhere we go)
The sun won't always shine
(sun won't always shine)
But tomorrow will find a way
All the other times

We are beautiful no matter what they say
Yes, words won't bring us down
We are beautiful no matter what they say
Yes, words can't bring us down
Don't you bring me down today

Don't you bring me down today
Don't you bring me down today
Words and music by Christina Aguilera

The words to the above song were put on this page in memory of Coryn D'Heron who entered heaven at the tender age of 12 on November 5, 2002. This was one of Coryn's favorite songs, I only wish that she had lived by these words. Coryn comitted suicide, PLEASE, don't you do the same!

D'HERON, Coryn Rae, 12, of Bayonet Point, died Tuesday, November 5, 2002 at home in Bayonet Point, Florida. She was born in Point Pleasant, New Jersey and moved to Bayonet Point from Point Pleasant, N.J. in 2001. She was a student and cheerleader at Hudson Middle School in Hudson and a member of Beacon Community Church Youth Group in New Port Richey. Survivors include parents, Jeff and Pam D'Heron of Bayonet Point; two sisters, Camryn D'Heron and Jaymie D'Heron, both of Bayonet Point; paternal grandmother, Alice Benbridge of Toms River, N.J.; maternal grandfather, Paul Lattarulo of Hudson; and maternal grandmother, Kathleen McCorkell of Hudson. A memorial service will be held Friday, November 8, 2002 at 6:30 p.m. at Beacon Community Church. Memorial donations may be made to Beacon Community Church.

This is a plea that Robin made to a friend of hers
struggling with suicidal thoughts....
If anyone EVER thinks that things would be 'better'...
simply look yourself in the mirror and imagine your loved
ones trying to deal with the loss you've
just added to their lives.
Unfortunately, Robin didn't take her own advice...
But, you can!!
Words above written by Brian Hamilton, Robin's Dad.

(Robin’s) Plea to a suicidal friend

If you ever left me, I’d miss you TOO much
I don’t know how I’d live!
You’re only 14
With your head full of dreams…
And the world has so much to give

Life is so short and even though you’ve seen
More than some people could ever handle,
You haven’t truly lived yet.
If you die, there’s so much you won’t ever
have the chance to do.
Before you die, I want you to
Kneel down and touch the grass
When it’s still wet with morning dew

And ask yourself
“how can something so small be so beautiful?”
and think about a world without grass.

Look at a butterfly and wonder
“How can such an amazing creature come from
such a simple caterpillar?”
Imagine a world without butterflies.

Grow a garden and sit in it and ask
“How can it be possible that a tiny seed
could grow into a soft flower?”
Imagine a world without flowers.

I want you to swing and feel free for once
Forget life! Forget worries! Don’t care if people stare!
Look at the sky through simple, innocent, child-like eyes
Imagine a world without a sky!

I want you to cry one day – tears of joy
And love yourself and ask yourself
“How would I deal if the world stopped?”
and imagine a world without joy.

I want you to hear the wails of your new baby –
Your first-born child and love them
And know they’ll love you and they’ll belong to you
And imagine life without them and ask yourself
“how could I live without them?”

Love yourself and know you are loved
And you are beautiful! and you’re amazing!
And imagine a world without you…
That’s how my life would be –

I wouldn’t see grass, I wouldn’t hope to see butterflies.
I wouldn’t smell flowers, there would be no sun, no sky.
Tears would be life
And love would cease.

Written by,
Robin Hamilton
14 years old

Unfortunately Robin didn't take her own advice, she
ended her life on August 18, 2002 at the tender age of 15.

If you are a sucidal teen and don't know who to
turn to, please call one of the numbers below, get help now, before it's too late!

TeenLine Hotline Help Center
4:00pm - 10:00pm
Monday - Saturday
(714) NEW-TEEN

(714) 639-8336


If you are suicidal and don't know where to turn,
call 1-800-SUICIDE


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