The circus comes to town, what joy!
For every eager girl and boy.
Alas there is a darker side
That circus owners choose to hide.
Animals that trainers choose,
Lament the freedom that they lose.
Although it's claimed they treat them well,
Their life is just a living hell.
It's not enough to house and feed,
There's more in life these creatures need.
Like social contact, open space,
To lock them up is man's disgrace.
Chained or caged through day and night,
Presenting such a sorry sight.
With one wish only, to be free,
The side spectators never see.
The elephant has lost it's pride,
Hobbled, swaying side to side.
Who knows what's in that giant mind?
How can they claim they're being kind?
Intelligence that matches ours,
Can't be constrained for hours and hours.
Boredom rips his soul apart,
Desire for freedom breaks his heart.
Lions, monkeys, tigers too,
Are kept humanely in a zoo,
But used upon a circus stage,
Their lives are spent in some small cage.
All creatures used in circus acts,
Have minds that think, believe the facts.
Despair must cause a mindless pain,
The stress can drive them quite insane.
A circus can enjoy success
Without the beasts that they possess.
Trapeze and jugglers, clowns are great,
Ensuring money at the gate.
Last century we used to take,
A witch and burn her at the stake,
Bear baiting was accepted too,
Cock fighting was the thing to do.
These things we now don't tolerate,
Yet circus creatures share their fate.
Let's teach the kids to understand,
These acts are cruel and should be banned.