Endangered species everywhere,
 It’s time Australians learned to care
 That gains we make at any cost
 Cannot compare with creatures lost.
   As progress makes the wealthy fat
 Our birds are losing habitat.
  Without their home they can't exist,
 They join the long endangered list.
  In outback deserts something's wrong
 With feral pests that don't belong
 While rabbits and the foxes thrive
 Our mammals struggle to survive.
  With miles of forest now stripped bare,
 The bandicoot's becoming rare
 Along with snakes and native rats,
 They’re easy prey for feral cats.
  It's sad to think that every year
 A special bird may disappear.
  We're losing our black cockatoo
 Someday we'll lose the kangaroo.
  Australia's mammals are distinct,
 But many soon may be extinct.
  It's time our values took a turn.
  It's time we all began to learn.
  The Aborigines of this land
 Could share it's gifts and understand
 But whites are here two hundred years
 And half our wildlife disappears.
  We must stop damage of this sort
 For Nature is our life support.
  Bio Diversity must exist
 Or humans too will join the list.