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Love Poems, by Moja

This particular poem was my first
and it was written 2 years ago.
I am sure every woman can
relate to the words
describing the way a man
can have an effect on you.



The way you walk into a room
Intoxicates me
The smell of your body
whether Jordan
Cool water or plain soap & water
Intoxicates me
The way you embrace me in your arms & hold me tight
Intoxicates me
The sweet words you whisper in my ear
Intoxicates me
Kisses you place upon my lips & neck
Intoxicates me
The passionate, nice & slow way you make love to me
Intoxicates me
Like vodka or cognac
Without you I go through withdrawal
You are my addiction




Do You Think of Me

In morning when you wake, do you think of me?
In the middle of your day, do you think of me?
Before you lay down each night, do you think of me?

Late in the night, unable to sleep do you think of me?
Am I in your thoughts
your dreams
your aspirations?
When do you think of me? All day, all night
Do you think of me when I think of you?



Absence makes the heart grow fonder
That’s what they say but in my case, it grows fonder and fonder each day.

Each day my heart yearns for you
Each week my body feens for you
Each month my soul mourns you
The years make me numb, feelin nothin but emptiness

Until The phone rings—your voice fills the empty space for 20 mins but
lingers for days
The letters come—your words fill my
And soul


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