The Secretary’s job is to keep a true and accurate record of all the Lodge’s proceedings, to carry on official correspondence of the Lodge, and to file proper reports with the Grand Lodge of Masons in Massachusetts.
His Jewel is the Crossed Quill Pens.
The Treasurer’s job is similar to a treasurer’s job in any organization. He manages the finances of the Lodge and spends monies according to the wishes of the Lodge. He is responsible for providing accurate reporting to the members on all financial matters relating to the Lodge.
His Jewel is a Pair of Crossed Keys.
The Chaplin is responsible for leading the Lodge in all devotions. He is expected to, at all times, “allude to brighter worlds and lead the way.”
His Jewel is an opened book, symbolizing the Volume of Scared Law.
The Marshall’s duties include leading all processions for the Lodge. He also conducts most people who need to travel in and around the Lodge.
His Jewel is the Crossed Batons.