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  Purrrfect Kittens

I love to watch the Kittens
as they play upon the floor
Never seem to tire out
just keep on doing more

They play with Mama's ball of yarn
a misplaced sock or two
Could be one of my old toys
or a slipper or a shoe

Rolling over on their back
their legs all stretched and tall
They nearly spin the cover off
that little bouncing ball

They have a funny little pounce
a jump to catch their prey
Sometimes they just hide and wait
at least that is what they say

I love those little kitty-cats
so soft and warm with fur
And when you stroke them gently
they close their eyes and purr

So if you want a lot of fun
just watch the kittens play
They'll make you grin and smile
And they'll do it every day

© Mr. Doug

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