Mother Cranberry
You're wise and so pretty
Just look in the damn mirror
Someday it will shatter and
life will be dimmer.
Mommy Blue
Your green blue eyes have made me free
Your red hair has let me flow.
Your shelter has let me hide and
I'm glad you've let me grow.
Mother Mary China
Your skin is porcelain still
You are the sun - golden star
I never knew I could miss you -
this much, but I am not far.
Mama Ghost -
Your cloud has been our glue
So all we can do is thank you for
all that you've done for us.
I'm here behind the door , and
you never come in.
The lemonade is waiting for you
but it is too sour to drink.
Did you lose your little girl?
I don't think I'm quite so small, Beauty Queen
The moonlight is paler tonight
Mama Electricity -
The nonexistant trophies are for you,
Mother Angel.
You have not seen how I've grown,
my horse rides to the meadow -
Scenes of white flash before my eyes,
The car, and my wedding dress.
Illustrious mother,
Just how far ahead can you see?
I've never remembered seeing you in this light
Before, Mother Blood.
Your grave flows to the river and
glows in the sunburned haze.
This time my watery eyes burn as
I recall your nurturing gaze.
I played your favorite song and
you just seemed deaf.
You turned a "whiter shade of pale"
in the red background.
I will take care of your baby
She'll always be safe and warm
I can speak for the both of us -
We will always worship you,
Mother, My Friend.