My stone eye look of sadness
Pulls down gravity
Of everything around me.
The monotony of voice
Rising sadness in this droop of mouth.
This is why
They could not love me
And instead chase after
The cheerleading smiling nymph
Bouncing from the wall
Falling into their bed.
Her body lying limply succumbing
To every motion
With an oooh aaah yeah.
There is no answer
To why I feel no happiness
‘Cept when I’m alone in my room
singing along to the radio
Or when I’m spending time
with my lover
He, who showers me with the riches
Of his love
Who looks past my disposition
and sees the soul of me.
We speak beyond words
Transmitting mind waves and dances
Our bodies entwining, rhyming
Folding into each other, around and back again
In that glorious symphony
Of silence.