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By L.L .Martin


Once I thought I loved you,

When I lay glowing in the dark;

After you had made love to me,

Your lips pressed against my ear,

Your voice was deep, sweet, everlasting.

It lingered in my head; a sweet aroma,

Touched me deep in my spirit,

Where your body could not.


It was Christmas last year,

When we came together after a long time

It was the first time; the only time,

 I felt important to you.


No longer have I desire,

For this lust you call love.

It leaves me spent,

Empty as a shell casing,

Grounded under your feet in the forest earth;

Discarded after you have dispatched your prey.

I find that you hunt for sport.

You linger after me, when there is not abundance.

Perhaps if I stopped running from you;

You might not return,

 To wound me with your body;

To leave me alone, cold, abandoned.


You have wasted my youth with this game.

You have teased me with hope in my middle age.

As I quickly approach my ending times,

I wonder, as I did as a young girl:

Will I ever be loved.


CopyrightŠ2004 L.L. Martin All North and South American and World and Electronic Rights Reserved.

Written 11/30/2004

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