The Boring Page
Now Playing: The Boring Page
Welcome to the boring page...
This page was created in a blog format. It is best viewed with whatever browser you happen to have handy.
This 1st blog page will probably draw a lot of insurance salesmen, bankers, accountants, and people who are just generally boring...
This page is not under construction. It’s just going to stay just like it is.
Forever and ever and ever…
All around the web, folks are trying to outdo one another, with "a little more this" and "a little more that". Nope... Not here.
Here at the boring page I just don't have the energy today. In fact, it was all I could do to rustle up this thing.
Would you like to see some pictures? I bet you would. Well, I don't have any. But, I've heard that some folks do.
How about some JavaScript? Would you like me to put on a little JavaScript show for you? Sorry. I haven't really bothered to learn JavaScript yet.
That’s how boring this page truly is.
You see, people today are just too lazy. Everywhere you go, it's "action, action, action."
Not here...
Here I rely on nothing but the printed word. Yeah, it's boring, but at least I’me not selling out to the flashy and the glamorous.
Can you see the clickable image map? No? That’s because I don't have one.
Downloads? Yeah, right…
Do you think a neat CGI script would spice up the page or something to that effect? No… That's probably not a good idea.
We wouldn't want to rock the boat, would we?
If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Right?
Yeah…That would probably be best. I'll just leave 'er like she is.
Let me know what you think of my site -- please fill out my feedback form, which will be delivered to...yeah, yeah, yeah...I crack myself up.
This has been the boring page. Thanks for coming to see me, and don't get yourself hurt out there in that crazy, mixed-up, modern, JavaScript, animated-gif-laced, DSL hooked up world.
However, when you need a couple of minutes of peace, just come back and see me...