The darkness encloses, it threatens to enfold you in its mist, to eliminate you from the site of the world. It aches to tear you away from the rest of the world. Then it lessens, lightens, and you realize that it is not darkness in it's true form. It is light, the darkest light that you have ever seen.

More of my melodramatic musings, you think. And I can't help wondering whether or not you are correct in your assessment of me and my rather dark little introduction. You should keep in mind, though, that for every black background there are blue words and that for every sorrowful word there is one of love. This page is a mixture of light and darkness, of the shadows and the sun, just as my mind, heart, and soul are, which my writing reflects. 

For a long time, years, I kept the original version of this page on my fanfiction site, sheltered away and very rarely visited by anyone. And it was simple but I adored it even though I seldom updated. I liked what I had there. I was satisfied with it. I am satisfied no longer. I craved change and, yes, a challenge, something to keep my mind and hands occupied when I don't feel like doing homework but everyone else does. It keep my sanity in college and prove that I am more than the doting fanfiction site maintainer, I have branched out. I have taken you into my light, which is darker than most. ETA: Currently working on getting this up and running again. Blah, slow dial-up connection.

Enjoy your stay and remember to bring a candle.

Please note that all the writings on this page are original works and belong to me, except the one listed under "Words from Others", and if you want to use something off my site you must contact me first and ask me. Any pictures in find in the Entourage section also belong to me, however, the picture files on the Links page along with the banners and the moving gifs on this and the first page are being used with permission and have been taken from free sites that can be found via the Links page. Also, the Navigation Bar comes from a free site, as well. Please help me respect my rights and the rights of others by not copying text and images without permission.