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If You Dwell With Him
With You He Will Abide

By Darlene Osborne

If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love; Even as I have kept my Father's commandments, And abide in his love.
(John 15:10)

When you’re feeling down
The Lord will lift you up
He’s never too busy, never too lax
In showing His children love.

Have your friends pushed you out
And turned you away?
Well I know Someone
Who will be a friend to you today!

His name is Jesus
He is the Son of God
He was born in a manger
Then upon this earth He trod.

He is a man of His Word
And will never leave your side
If you choose to dwell with Him
With you He will abide.

Copyright 2005 by Darlene Osborne