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My Best Friend

The day you left I wanted to die All I could do is cry
I called all my friends and told them what had happened
They said if you loved me, you would call again
Your mom told me to calm down
That you just needed a little time to cool off
And that to love is to forgive, but you wouldn't hear of it
I even wrote you a letter, but weeks later, found it in my car
I was so sad, my whole word was spinning
I had no reason for living
A few days after we broke up
I had to call 9-1-1 and go into the hospital for shock
My body was numb, I lost all feeling because I lost your love
I even called you and pleaded with you not to end it
You were my world and without you I didn't want to live it
I was depressed for so long, but everybody told me
I was strong...I could get through this
Now weeks later, I'm still telling them now what I told them then
Nothing will ever be the same because
I lost the love of my life and MY BEST FRIEND

Poems - Page 2