But planted of his own in a sea of daffodil.
and she but a naiad on pilgrimage to the sea,
who neared Narcissus field and felt herself
most weary of her streaming road.
she, now whetted for a rest, bethought to lie
and lying, belied the need for sleep,
and thought to travel on.
What luck, Poseidon sought to neap her there
at the lee, where willow-dryads bent
weeping over pale Jonquil.
Nihel espied upon the water, a natant flower,
whose patient tears rose glowing heavenward,
as wil o' the wisps dancing above the water.
Enchanted she stooped to draw him to herself,
her latent love flowing from her eyes.
It was fated, the illusory vision faded, and
thus Jonquil awoke from his vain assumption,
and resumed his gaze on her faery face, and
found that his eternal stare found its worth
in Nihel so small, so common-place