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Welcome to my ramblings. I've got some stories I want to tell you...these stories are just ramblings. They are not edited in any way. They come off the top of my head and onto the site. They are not intended for publication at any time, now or the future. They are just my way of excercising. If you look at them in that fashion perhaps they won't seem so bad.


Halloween is for spooks

It was All Hollows Eve and Brandon wanted to have some fun, so he decided to freighten the nurd in his second period English class. In order to do this he had to first get the nurd to the grave yard on Maple St. and second enlist some help from a couple of his buddies. Getting Joey and Nate to help him wouldn't be any trouble, but getting the panty waist to the grave yard would a monumental task. He decided to takle the easy part of his plan first. After Joey and Nate heard what he intended to do they were all for it. His plan was to set up a horror show amoung the tombstones. With the placement of a few manikins properly dressed, and missing heads and arms. A few more on wires so they appear to be floating, and some suitable sound effects he hoped to achieve the desired effect and scare the hell out of Arnold. On the day of his "opening night", so to speak, he sought the aid of Angel Mcnight; who,by no means was an angel. She was to lure him into the trap on the premise that she was doing a report on hauntings in the grave yard and needed some protection. Arnold was to meet Angel at the entrance a little after dark. The meeting took place as planned and the two entered to gather what information they could concerning the activities of the underworld. When they were completely surrounded by Brandon's spooks things started to happen. Brandon pulled on a wire and a headless manikin rose out of a grave. Joey tripped a switch and a ghost floated toward the pair of frightened teen-agers with their backs to a tombstone. Nate turned on a boom-box unleashing the most horrible sounds ever heard. Everything was going as planned until---the living dead turned on their pupet masters. The headless manikin came after Brandon, but it wasn't a minikin at all. It was the walking dead. Dead people started climbing out of graves all over and walking toward the trio of frightened boys. The boys knocked over several tombstones trying to escape the terrifying scene before them. The gastly spirits stopped in their tracks and laughed hysterically. After removing their make-up they joined their friends Arnold and Angel. Arnold shouted after the retreating cowards,"trick or trick."

Danny Boy

When I first met Danny Boy he was energetic and carefree. We were both very young and became instant friends. After school we would hang out doing nothing but enjoying each others company, and playing in the park that lay behind my house. In the winter we took the sled to Beacher's Hill and made snow angels. When school was out for the summer we spent every day together playing catch and laying on the grass watching the white clouds shaped like trains or flowers or what-ever our imaginations alowed. We were inseparable the entire summer. Our friendship continued like this untill I was seven. I just started first grade and this brown-eyed girl named Susie came into my life. We sat beside each other in class and played during recess. I was enamored with her. She became my best friend and for awhile Danny Boy was forgotten. Susie and I rode the same bus arriving at my house first. After getting off and before turning up my walk I would wave good-by to her. Danny Boy was the farthest thing from my mind. Susie and I continued being friends almost the entire school year, until Bobby entered. Bobby was a man's-man and a woman's-man. He was good looking and daring. When questions were asked his was the first hand up, and he played the best pranks. The teacher's loved him, the boys looked up to him, the girls were infatuated with him, and I hated him. I wanted to be like him but knew I never could so I decided the best thing to do was not like him. When Susie talked about him I put him down, this made her angry and we would fight. Then came the fateful day of Susie's birthday party. Everyone was invited-but me. I was crushed. The next day at school Susie was sitting next to Bobby. I asked her why I wasn't invited to her party, and she said she invited Bobby and she knew I didn't like him. She didn't sit with me on the bus, and when I got off she paid no attention. This was my first broken hart. After sulking for a couple of days my mother had a talk with me and I realized my life was not over. I went into my bedroom and there was Danny Boy waiting for me. That is the best things about imaginary friends, they are always there when you need them.

Emma Brown

Emma Brown was walking dow the street looking from left to right as she went. Her eyes darting from the sidewalk to the ally then back to the nest wall. Walking was difficult for this sixty eight year old grandma, especially since she had to push her walker and look for obstacles in her way. This, however, did not deter her from trying. She knew she had to find IT before long because this time of year darkness came early. Maneuvering her walker over the cracks in the sidewalk and curbs was difficult enough in broad daylight, but nearly impossible at night. She had lived her entire life in this town. She knew every nook and cranny. Every store. Shopkeeper's names, and all about them. She knew that Miss Sally, of Sally's Antiques, had a new boyfriend. His name is Bo, and he lives in Edington, just thirty-five miles down the road. She also knew that old Doc Howard just hired a young snippety nurse to replace Nurse Andrews, who had to move away because her husband got transferred because of his job. Yes, Emma Brown knew the goings on around Middleford. She knew everything about everybody but she did not know where IT is. She was becoming frantic with worry. What if she could not find IT? What would happen then? She has only had IT for a few months but the thought of being without IT was depressing. When she got out of bed every morning IT was there, when she wen tto the bathroom to wash the sleep from her eyes IT was there. When she came back from visiting Frank Ormsby IT was there. Frank is a nice man and she enjoys her visits with him. Lucile, her best friend, jokes about the two of them being alone so much. She tells Emma that he will probably be the third Mr. Brown. This irritates Emma to No end and she tells Lucile so, but that just makes her gigle like a little girl. Frank could be her next husband but he would have to change his attitude about IT. THERE! On the corner by the Barbershop, she thought she saw something. Her hart started to race raising her blood pressure dangerously high. Excitement welled up inside her as she pushed the walker over the cement path leading her to her beloved IT. She knew what she saw for only an instant was defiantly IT and she had to get there at once. The walker started to pick up speed as she neard the shop. Afraid that IT would not be there when she arrieved she tried to hurry. Suddenly her walker stopped. Something was blocking her from continuing to her destination. She looked down and ther was IT. Her attention had been on geting to the barbershop so she did not see the one thing she had been searching for. Reaching down she picked up IT and started for home. Relief and satifaction washed over here as she was going up the walk to her front door. Hearing the quiet purring in her ear she scolded her constant companion. "Isabella Tanner you have been a very bad kitten."
