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bw1.gif (3071 bytes)This Page is Dedicate to my Sister in Christ Jesusbw1.gif (3071 bytes)

Susanne S. my Angel Friend

God Bless you Forever and a Day

Love Emanuel.

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crys17.gif (3154 bytes) 11 For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways.

Psalms 91:11 (KJV)

crys17.gif (3154 bytes) 4 Who maketh his angels spirits; his ministers a flaming fire:

Psalms 104:4 (KJV)

bw5.gif (2709 bytes)Have you reached out to your Angel today?bw51.gif (2870 bytes)

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crys9.gif (2830 bytes)Angels are transcendently beautiful, powerful, wise, kind, and of course, equipped for flight. They operate beyond the earthly limitations faced by us mortals, and give us hints about what life might be like on the other side. Best of all, they show up on Earth with heavenly help just when we really need a hand, or a wing, or whatever.

crys17.gif (3154 bytes)Christ Jesus as an Angel 1 And after six days Jesus taketh Peter, James, and John his brother, and bringeth them up into an high mountain apart,

2 And was transfigured before them: and his face did shine as the sun, and his raiment was white as the light.

3 And, behold, there appeared unto them Moses and Elias talking with him.

Matt 17:1-3 (KJV)

crys9.gif (2830 bytes)Although angels serve numerous purposes, their main role is supplying a network of communication between God and humanity - heaven and Earth. The word "angel" is based on the Greek word "angelos," meaning 'messenger." This is the word used to translate the ancient Hebrew term"malakh," used in the Hebrew Bible to refer to those celestial beings we have come to know as angels.

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bw31.gif (2841 bytes)Angel Foodbw3.gif (2678 bytes)

crys9.gif (2830 bytes)Manna is a sweet, bread-like food that appeared magically on the ground, like morning dew, to feed the Israelites. Some say that the manna actually refers to a liquid substance secreted at night by a kind of tree called a tamarisk. This substance drops to the ground ( that has been swept by the wind and rinsed by the rain) and hardens by morning. Others, including the author of Psalm 78, say that it is the bread of angels.

crys17.gif (3154 bytes)24 And had rained down manna upon them to eat, and had given them of the corn of heaven.

25 Man did eat angels' food: he sent them meat to the full.

Psalms 78:24-25 (KJV)

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bw4.gif (2769 bytes)Angel Hierarchybw41.gif (2927 bytes)

20bouquetbu.gif (1625 bytes)Seraphim - These are the closets to God. They continually sing God's praises. They are described in the Book of Isaiah as having six wings each.

20bouquetbu.gif (1625 bytes)Cherubim - Representations of Cherubim, or cherubs, range from bizarre winged animals, to chubby little children.

20bouquetbu.gif (1625 bytes)Thrones - Based on the vision of Ezekiel, thrones are often said to take the form of fiery wheels covered with open eyes.

20bouquetbu.gif (1625 bytes)Dominions, or Dominations - often said to be the oldest angels, they have the job of supervising the angels below them (the ones above need no supervision).

20bouquetbu.gif (1625 bytes)Virtues, also known as Authorities - These angels are the ones who can work miracles on Earth and serve as guardian angels.

20bouquetbu.gif (1625 bytes)Powers - If the Virtues are the "good cops" who takes care of the people, Powers are the "bad cops" who come down on evil. The main role is to keep demons, devils and evil spirits at bay.

20bouquetbu.gif (1625 bytes)Principalities - These angels protect cities and nations as well as the leaders of religious faiths on Earth.

20bouquetbu.gif (1625 bytes)Archangels - These are messenger angels, delivering God's decrees to people on Earth.

20bouquetbu.gif (1625 bytes)Angels - These are the buck privates of the heavenly army and work most closely with ordinary human beings.

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crys17.gif (3154 bytes)16 And when the angel stretched out his hand upon Jerusalem to destroy it, the LORD repented him of the evil, and said to the angel that destroyed the people, It is enough: stay now thine hand. And the angel of the LORD was by the threshingplace of Araunah the Jebusite.

2 Sam 24:16 (KJV)

crys17.gif (3154 bytes)7 And the angel of the LORD came again the second time, and touched him, and said, Arise and eat; because the journey is too great for thee.

1 Kings 19:7 (KJV)

crys17.gif (3154 bytes)22 "My God has sent his angel," he said, "to shut the lions' mouths so that they can't touch me, for I am innocent before God; nor, sir, have I wronged you."

Dan 6:22 (Living)

crys17.gif (3154 bytes)1 And he shewed me Joshua the high priest standing before the angel of the LORD, and Satan standing at his right hand to resist him.

Zech 3:1 (KJV)


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bw5.gif (2709 bytes)Angel Traitsbw51.gif (2870 bytes)

20bouquetbu.gif (1625 bytes)Wings - They suggest a celestial nature and the ability to span large distances particularly the distance between heaven and Earth. They can also serve a protection function. From taking someone under their wings to using their wings to beat off prospective evils, angels are equipped for any situation with these handy appendages.

20bouquetbu.gif (1625 bytes)Halo - Also called a nimbus, it denotes glory, holiness, and wisdom. The circular shape also represents perfection and completeness. Saints are often represented with halos as well as angels.

20bouquetbu.gif (1625 bytes)Shinning raiment - White and diaphanous robes represents purity and spirituality. Luminescent or flaming robes represents wisdom and glory.

20bouquetbu.gif (1625 bytes)Armor - Angels are often figured as soldiers in the battle between Good and Evil. Armor represents power and strength.

20bouquetbu.gif (1625 bytes)Musical instruments -Music represents spiritual beauty, cosmic harmony, and the chief angelic activity of praising God.

20bouquetbu.gif (1625 bytes)The form of a baby or child - A relatively late addition to the tradition of angel identification, this represents innocence and joy.

20bouquetbu.gif (1625 bytes)The human face - The face is an easily overlooked but especially powerful symbol of angelic feeling. This can show love, compassion, anger, determination, hope, humility, reverence, and joy.

20bouquetbu.gif (1625 bytes)Stars - Stars as angels represent cosmic order and multitude.

20bouquetbu.gif (1625 bytes)Sandals - These denote antiquity, evoking the days before sneakers were invented.

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crys141.gif (3746 bytes)Angel Testimonycrys14.gif (3582 bytes)

Hi Susanne, tonight I sat at my computer and prayed before I got started, and I asked the Lord to help me with another page as I always do. I sat quietly just looking at the computer and my Bible. Many thoughts ran through my head. I remembered earlier in the evening I saw a light flickering out of the corner of my right eye. I ignored it and kept working, but it happened several times. So I looked around the room to see what could have made that bright flickering. There was nothing that could have reflected a light. When I saw the light about the third time, I noticed something. I order some tapes a couple of months ago by John MacArthur, Jr. "The Gospel According To Jesus," well the light was flickering on the cover of the binder that the tapes came in. I had the binder standing in the corner behind a basket that I keep some of my books in. That was very interesting to me. So back tome on the computer, I ended up thinking of you and how you are an angel. Which leads me to this, The next page will be on angels thanks to our heavenly Father and that light flickering and to you my sister in Christ Jesus. I believe that light was truly an angel trying to get my attention and the angel did. So if it is all right with you, I would like to dedicate my next page to you Susanne. God Bless, Love Emanuel

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bw41.gif (2927 bytes)Top 40 Angels of year 2000bw4.gif (2769 bytes)

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20bouquetbu.gif (1625 bytes)Michael - All-around favorite, the chief angle of God, angel prince of Israel, Catholic Saint, and the dragon slayer in the Book of Revelation.

20bouquetbu.gif (1625 bytes)Raphael - Angel of healing and science, with a reputation for friendliness garnered from the book of Tobit and Paradise Lost.

20bouquetbu.gif (1625 bytes)Gabriel - Angel of strength, he will sound the trumpet call to judgment on the last day.

20bouquetbu.gif (1625 bytes)Djibril - Islamic angel who revealed the Holy Koran to the prophet Mohammed.

20bouquetbu.gif (1625 bytes)Harut and Marut (count as two) - Fallen angels of Islam who succumb to the temptation to sin while visiting Earth.

20bouquetbu.gif (1625 bytes)Raziel - Angel of magic, said to have given a book of spells to the first man, Adam.

20bouquetbu.gif (1625 bytes)Abraxas - Angel of Cabala whose name forms the basis of the magic word "abracadabra."

20bouquetbu.gif (1625 bytes)Metatron - Angel of Jewish mysticism, transfigured from the Biblical patriarch, Enoch.

20bouquetbu.gif (1625 bytes)Sandalfon - Angel of Jewish prayer and known as "the tall angel," he makes garlands for God out of prayers. He was transfigured from the prophet, Elijah.

20bouquetbu.gif (1625 bytes)Lucifer - Fallen angel, known in hell as Satan.

20bouquetbu.gif (1625 bytes)Semyaza, or Semihaza - Fallen "Watcher" who mated with mortal women.

20bouquetbu.gif (1625 bytes)Sanvi, Sansavi, and Semangalaf (count as three) - Angels of Jewish legend who provide magic protection against evil.

20bouquetbu.gif (1625 bytes)Sophia - Gnostic angel, the aeon of wisdom.

 20bouquetbu.gif (1625 bytes)Victoricus - Irish angel, the guardian angel of St. Patrick.

20bouquetbu.gif (1625 bytes)Shepherd of Hermas - Early Christian Angel of hope of for repentant sinners.

20bouquetbu.gif (1625 bytes)The Sistine Madonna Cherubs (count as two) - Painted angels by the Renaissance master Raphael.

20bouquetbu.gif (1625 bytes)Urizen - Neo-Gnostic angel, one of "the four Zoas" of the visionary poet, William Blake.

20bouquetbu.gif (1625 bytes)Vohu Manah, "Good Mind" - The Zorastrian Amesha Spentas, he imparts enlightenment to humanity.

20bouquetbu.gif (1625 bytes)Moroni - Mormon angel who revealed the book of Mormon to Latter Day prophet Joseph Smith.

20bouquetbu.gif (1625 bytes)Angel of the Odd - Angel in charge of freak accidents from the short story by Edgar Allen Poe.

20bouquetbu.gif (1625 bytes)Captain Stormfield - Angel of home-spun good sense from Mark Twain's novel, Captain Stormfield's Visit to Heaven.

20bouquetbu.gif (1625 bytes)Aetherius - Theosophical angel, a cosmic master from the planet Venus.

20bouquetbu.gif (1625 bytes)Chango' - Orisha of "the Religion," Santeria', known for his fiery, passionate personality.

20bouquetbu.gif (1625 bytes)Clarence Oddbody - Classic movie angel from Frank Capra's Its a Wonderful life, played by Henry Travers.

20bouquetbu.gif (1625 bytes)Jordan (Mr.) - Angel bureaucrat from the film Here Comes Mr. Jordan (1941), played by Claude Rains.

20bouquetbu.gif (1625 bytes)Dudley - Charming angel from the movie The Bishop's Wife, played by Cary grant.

20bouquetbu.gif (1625 bytes)Smith, Jonathan - Angel of TV melodrama Highway to Heaven, played by Michael Landon.

20bouquetbu.gif (1625 bytes)Tess, Monica, and Andrew (count as three) - Angels of prime time righteousness from TV's Touched by an Angel, played by Della Reese, Roma Downey, and John Dye, respectively.

20bouquetbu.gif (1625 bytes)Enniss - Guardian angel of the nineties, from the angel books of Eileen Elias Freeman.

20bouquetbu.gif (1625 bytes)Abigrail - New Age angel from the self-help book, Ask Your Angels, cowritten by Alma Daniel, Timothy Wyllie, and Andrew Ramer.

20bouquetbu.gif (1625 bytes)Tal - Pulp- Fiction angel from Frank Peretti's novel, This Present Darkness.

20bouquetbu.gif (1625 bytes)Steadfast - Abortion-clinic angel from Roger Elwood's novel, Steadfast -guardian Angel.

20bouquetbu.gif (1625 bytes)Seth - New movie angel from City of Angel's, played by Nicolas Cage.

20bouquetbu.gif (1625 bytes)Avengelyne - Comic book warrior angel who is doing time on earth.

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crys9.gif (2830 bytes)Biblical prophets not only receive prophecies from angels, but angels sometimes tell them how to behave during their prophetic visions and even tell them what the visions mean. Throughout the Book of Revelation, for example, the prophet John is coached  by an angel who makes sure he sees the vision and understands it correctly. what's more, he rebukes John for trying to worship him.

crys17.gif (3154 bytes)1 The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John:

Rev 1:1 (KJV)


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crys17.gif (3154 bytes)1 And the LORD appeared unto him in the plains of Mamre: and he sat in the tent door in the heat of the day;

2 And he lift up his eyes and looked, and, lo, three men stood by him: and when he saw them, he ran to meet them from the tent door, and bowed himself toward the ground,

Gen 18:1-2 (KJV)

crys17.gif (3154 bytes)22 And the men turned their faces from thence, and went toward Sodom: but Abraham stood yet before the LORD.

Gen 18:22 (KJV)

crys17.gif (3154 bytes)1 And there came two angels to Sodom at even; and Lot sat in the gate of Sodom: and Lot seeing them rose up to meet them; and he bowed himself with his face toward the ground;

Gen 19:1 (KJV)

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crys17.gif (3154 bytes)24 And Jacob was left alone; and there wrestled a man with him until the breaking of the day.

25 And when he saw that he prevailed not against him, he touched the hollow of his thigh; and the hollow of Jacob's thigh was out of joint, as he wrestled with him.

26 And he said, Let me go, for the day breaketh. And he said, I will not let thee go, except thou bless me.

27 And he said unto him, What is thy name? And he said, Jacob.

28 And he said, Thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel: for as a prince hast thou power with God and with men, and hast prevailed.

29 And Jacob asked him, and said, Tell me, I pray thee, thy name. And he said, Wherefore is it that thou dost ask after my name? And he blessed him there.

30 And Jacob called the name of the place Peniel: for I have seen God face to face, and my life is preserved.

Gen 32:24-30 (KJV)

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crys9.gif (2830 bytes)Sometimes people claim encounters not only with their own guardian angels, but with the guardian angels of other people. A famous example is the Roman Catholic priest Padre Pio, who claimed to be able to communicate with Jesus, the Virgin Mary, saints, and angels. He achieve great popularity and many came to him for spiritual advice. In order to help large numbers of people, Padre Pio suggested that people send their guardian to him so that he could advise people through their angels. He claimed to have stayed awake at night consulting with peoples angels. When he died in the late 1960's, close to a hundred thousand people came to his funeral.

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Now Playing

bw3.gif (2678 bytes)Angels Among Usbw31.gif (2841 bytes)

I was walking home from school on a cold winter day
Took a shortcut through the woods, and I lost my way
It was getting late, and I was scared and alone
Then a kind old man took my hand and led me home
Mama couldn't see him, but he was standing there
And I knew in my heart, he was the answer to my prayers
Oh, I believe there are angels among us
Sent down to us from somewhere up above
They come to you and me in our darkest hour
To show us how to live, to teach us how to give
To guide us with a light of love
When life held troubled times, and had me down on my knees
There's always been someone there

to come along and comfort me
A kind word from a stranger, to lend a helping hand
A phone call from a friend, just to say "I understand"
And ain't it kind of funny that at the dark end of the road
Someone lights the way with just a single ray of hope
Oh, I believe there are angels among us
Sent down to us from somewhere up above
They come to you and me in our darkest hour
To show us how to live, to teach us how to give
To guide us with a light of love
They wear so many faces, show up in the strangest places
To guide us with their mercy, in our time of need
Oh, I believe there are angels among us
Sent down to us from somewhere up above
They come to you and me in our darkest hour
To show us how to live, to teach us how to give
To guide us with a light of love
To guide us with a light of love


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All rights are Reserve to: A Kingdom Being Made

Author: Emanuel B.

                   crys10.gif (3129 bytes)Please Sign My Guest Bookangelfountaina.gif (3112 bytes)