angel2.gif (1970 bytes)Club Soteria


"But to which of the angels said he at any time, Sit on my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool? Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation? Hebrews 1:13-14

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To be born again is what happens to your spirit after you repent, confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus Christ and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead. To be born again means you move from darkness into light. So, being born again involves a transition or translation from one point to another point, from one postion to another position, based on a decision that you make.

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However, salvation is what is available to you when you get born again. And not it is not just someting that's stored up in heaven for you in the sweet by and by. It's not something you have to leave earth in the Rapture to get. No. Salvation is what you have available to you right here and now as a born again person. The word salvation in the New Testament comes from the Greek word soteria which means healing, safety, deliverance, protection, soundness and includes the ministry of angels.

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Therefore, God is saying that angels have been sent to serve the heirs of soteria.

They have the responsibility of serving you if you're a born-again person. The angels are to serve you in the areas of healing, deliverance, safety, protection, soundness. And they are to minister to you in any other areas where you have need.

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Let me use an analogy to make clear what I mean by the difference between salvation and being born again.

Getting born again and becoming an heir of salvation is like joining a club.

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When you make a decision to join a club and have gone through the procedure of becoming a member, you are then entitled to use the club's facilities and have available to you all the benefits of membership.

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If, for instance, you make a decision to get in shape and join a fitness club, you then have available to you all the exercise equipment that particular club has to offer.

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You can work out on the circuit machines,swim in the pool, play handball in the handball courts, join an aerobics class.

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In other words, you can use whatever the club has available to help you get in shape.

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The same is true when you get born again and join "Club Soteria."

As a member of Club Soteria you have available to you the "stairmaster of healing," the "bench press of protection," the "barbell of deliverance," the "treadmill of safety, "You have available to you the "leg press of soundness."

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All of these benefits were made available when you join the club. How did you join?

By making a decision to move from the position of slothfulness to the position of discipline and fitness

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When you get born again, you joined Club Soteria, and you now have available to you everything that's in the club.

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Deliverance is in the club.



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Safety is in the club.


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Healing and protection and soundness are in the club.

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Getting born again is the requirement for membership. But as soon as you become a member, you have a right to use everything that's in the club.

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As an heir of salvation, I have a right to benefit from everything salvation has to offer. And one of those things is the ministry of angels.

To continue the fitness club analogy, angels have been sent to act as personal trainers to the members of Club Soteria.

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angel2.gif (1970 bytes)Angels are employed at the club to assist you with those benefits of membership which have been made available to you."


Now, therefore, since we've become heirs of salvation, of soteria, and have the ministry of angels and all these other benefits of salvation available to us, the Bible says:

Therefore we ought to give the more earnest heed, to the things which we have heard [ from God's Word],least  at any time we should let them slip.

For if the word spoken by angels was steadfast, and every transgresion and disobedience received a just recompence of reward; How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation...?   Hebrews 2:1-3


steambu.jpg (3759 bytes)Why do people neglect their salvation? Why don't they know?


They don't pay attention!


Pay Attention!

Attend to my words; incline thine ear unto my sayings. Let thine eyes look right on, and let thine eyelids look straight before thee.... Turn not to the right hand nor the left............ Proverbs 4:20,25,27




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All Rights Reserved to: A Kingdom Being Made

Author and Designer: Emanuel B.

July 23, 2000

Credits: Creflo Dollar Jr.