Walk with Me, Talk with Me


O my Father, you have given me your Son that I may have life in Him. I thank you for the glorious new life that is now in me. Teach me to understand this new life. I acknowledge my ignorance and the selfish thoughts which are in me concerning your ways. I will believe in the heavenly power of the new life that is in me; I will believe that my Lord Jesus, who himself is my life, will by His Spirit teach me to know how I can walk in that life. Amen.


Precious Savior, you have taught me to believe your word, and you have made me your child by that faith. Through that Word, as with milk to newborn babes, feed me. Lord, I am very eager to receive your Word; every day will I long after it. Teach me, through the Holy Spirit and the Word, to walk everyday in living fellowship with the love of the Father. Teach me always to believe that your Spirit has been given to me with the Word. Amen


O my Father, you have said, "My son, give me thine heart." I have given you my heart. Now I see that your command for me is to lay up and keep your Word in my heart. I answer: "I keep thy commands with my whole heart/" Father, teach me daily to receive your Word into my heart that it can exercise there its blessed influence. Strengthen me in the deep conviction that even though I do not fully understand its meaning and power, I can still depend upon you to make the Word living and powerful in me. Amen.


O my father, I thank you for this blessed life of faith in which we are to walk. I can do nothing, but you can do all things. All that you can do, you have spoken in your Word. And every word that I take and trustfully bring to you, you fulfill. Father, in this life of faith, so simple, so glorious, will I walk with you. Amen.



Lord God, I have begun to understand that you are in your Word with life and power, and that your Word itself strengthens faith and obedience in the heart that receives and keeps it. Lord, teach me to carry your every word as a living seed in my heart in the assurance that it will work in me all your good pleasure. Amen.


O my Lord Jesus, today anew, and every day, I receive you. In all your fullness, in all your relations, without ceasing, I take you for myself. You are my wisdom, my light, my leader - I take you as my prophet. You have perfectly reconciled me and brought me near to God. You purify and sanctify me and pray for me - I take you as my priest. You guide and keep and you are wholly mine. Thanks be to God for His unspeakable gift. Amen.



O my Lord Jesus, what wonderful grace is this, that you gave yourself for me. You are eternal life. You are the life and you give yourself to be in my life all that I need. You purify me and sanctify me and make me zealous in good works. You take me wholly for yourself, and give yourself wholly for me. Yes, my Lord, in all you are my life. Oh, help me to understand this. Amen.


O my Father, open the eyes of my heart to understand what it is to be a child of God, to live always as a child through always believing in Jesus, your only Son. Oh, let every breath of my soul be faith in Jesus, a confidence in Him, a resting in Him, a surrender to Him, to work all in me. Amen


According to your Word, my Lord and King, I am yours, and all that I have. Every day, this day, will I confirm it - that I am not my own but am my Lord's. Fervently do I ask you to take full possession of your property, so that no one may doubt whose I am. Amen


Precious Lord, let your light stream over me, and let it become still clearer to my soul that you, you alone, are my solution. To have you with me, in me - this keeps sin out. Teach me to bring every sin to you; let every sin drive me into a closer alliance with you. Then shall your Jesus-name be come truly my salvation from sin. Amen


Lord God, what thanks shall I express for this unspeakable blessing, that I may come to you with sin. It is know to you, Lord, how sin before your holiness causes terror and flight. It is know to you how it is our first thought to have sin covered and then to come to you with our desire and endeavor for good. Lord, teach me to come to you with sin, every sin, and in confession to lay it down before you and give it up to you. Amen.


Lord God, this is the wonder of your grace, that you are a forgiving God. Teach me every day to know in this anew the glory of your love. Let the Holy Spirit seal forgiveness to me as a blessing, everlasting, ever-fresh, living, and powerful. And let my life be as a song of thanksgiving. "Bless the Lord, O my soul…who forgiveth all thine iniquities." Amen.


Lord God, I thank you for these promises. You have given not only forgiveness but also cleansing. As surely as forgiveness comes first, so does cleansing follow for everyone who desires it and who believes. Lord, let your Word penetrate my heart, and let a divine cleansing from every sin that is forgiven me be the stable expectation of my soul. Beloved Savior, let the glorious, ceaseless, cleansing of your blood through your spirit in me be made known to me and shared by me every moment. Amen.


Lord God, the Holy One of Israel, what thanks shall I give to you for the gift of your Son as my sanctification and that I am sanctified in Him! And what thanks should I give for the Spirit of sanctification to dwell in me and transplant the holiness of Jesus into me! Lord, cause me to understand this truth and to long for the experience of it. Amen.


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