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Bad Guys

There are a lot of bad guys out there.
Looking to trick the ladies fair.
They lie online about many things,
and send fake pictures internationally.
I admit many women do that too.
but, the bad guys are too many,
more than a few.
How can you expect to find
a woman who is pure
if you turn on a web cam and show
your birthday suit?
Some guys don't even ask,
have no shame,
and do things
that lovers used to do.
Where is the Romance?
What is this sinful world coming to?
Many of you are married,
just looking for
a sexual affair,
just fun they say,
is all they want.
Hope the little wife finds out
about your web cam game.
Is that what you do when
she's not at home?
Can't you just read a book
or something,
when you're all alone?
As for me,
I only want to see your face,
and most of the time
that's even a waste.
No wonder I don't have a man.
Online is not the place
to find my Prince, it seems.
Oh, well, maybe it is,
but haven't found too many men
who fit the bill,
or who don't lie and cheat.
As for me, I am an old fashioned girl!
I still believe in marriage,
I still believe in love.
I don't want to see
what's below your belt.
I want to see a smile
upon an honest face.
I want to see a
twinkle in your eyes.
I wonder, where are the
gentlemen of a dying race?
The word "cyber sex"
is a dirty word to me.
So, go have your fun, I guess,
and without a thought to Go.,
You may just as well
be sending your soul to hell.

by Dottie

Song Playing:
Strangers In The Night