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I am all alone because you are not here. The tears flow onto my pillow and get it sopping wet. I caress the pillow where your head used to lie and then begin to cry. I touch the empty spot where you used to lie, And wonder why. Why you hurt me all over again and why you lied. I wonder how you could have ever said you loved me and then just go away. Just as if you were never here, loving me each day. Why you turned your back on me; I can only guess. Your heart still belongs to her. Your memories were too many to forget, the woman of whom broke us up. You swore and swore you didn't love her, but you are lying there , in her arms all night long, and don't care if I have tears. Never again will I ever believe you, that you could ever let her go. And now I must forget you, as if you're really dead. I hope I never see you again, after what you did. I hope I can learn to love and smile again someday before I get too old. I hope that I find Peace. You came to me like a thief in the night and stole my Peace and Joy. I think the two of you will suffer, for all the years you destroyed. Our marriage should have been sacred, as it was when we first took our vows. That was so long ago; it seems just like a dream. I wish I would have never met you, and don't even want your name. You have caused me just too much pain. You have put me in despair. And I know you don't even care.

by Dorothy Fontaine