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Gee what a surprise!
There you are standing at my door,
with tearful eyes.
But, then you smiled and hoped to return.
The prodigal husband you are.

Gee, you were gone for so many years.
I saw you with your woman
many times before.
When you were drunk together,
and you were kissing her.
It's not my fault you chose an
alcoholic to spend your misery with.
I took you back in the past just
too many times.

I was your fool, and you took
advantage of my forgiving heart.
You snuck back into the door,
just like a slivering snake.

Even after the divorce I tried
with you once more.
But, she chased you down in the street,
And you left us all again,
your wife and your two children.
It wasn't the first time,
but honey I'll never be
a wife to you again..

So, now you are standing here,
and want to be my friend.
Ok, come on in.
You can have the sofa,
but I'll be in my bed.
I can only be your friend.
Because all and any passion
has slowly died.
I'm no longer your stupid fool.

I used to really love you,
but bitterness crept in;
for adultery with all those
other women,
really caused it all to end.
So, my prodigal ex-husband
I have forgiven you.
But, the problem is that I
cannot forget all the pain you caused.

Go get your pillow from the hall-closet
at the bottom of the stairs.
You may see your children as
you could have done before.
I hope that they'll remember you,
and don't punch you in the nose.

You found that grass was not greener
on the other side of the fence.
It's much too late for me and you again.
Because you are just to me,
the Prodigal Husband of the sinful world.

But, the fool that I am;
if you're really sweet and nice,
I might just forgive you
and take you back again.

By Dorothy

Song Playing:
The Long aAd
Winding Road