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My eyes are
filled with tears
hearing from you again.
Shadows of memories
cluttering the reality.
Trying to let you go.
Trying to forget all.
Lingering memories,
bringing shadows
to the mind.
Never forgetting
your words that
lifted me so high,
or the cruel ones,
you said that
made me cry.
Shadows in my heart,
linger on and on.
Shadows of you,
sleep with me each night,
filling my dreams with hope
to have you in my life
The shadow of your face
haunts me all the time,
imagining your kisses.
Dreaming of a future
for you and me.
The pain lingers still.
Wishing for some-one
I can never have.
Failing to catch
the shadow,
that is always there.

Song Playing
It's All In The Game