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 Sorrowful Parting

It was a sorrowful parting. So many memories of you to end in such a painful way. I am afraid to ask you to stay. I think of all the good times we had and all the love we shared. How could we let this happen to such loving hearts? Could there have been misunderstandings? Could we have said things that neither one of us really meant? In my haste to learn all about you I offended you in the cruelest way. A way of accusations instead of just questions. I wondered about your health, I wondered about your life. I doubted your words too many times. That is a sin in any love. I had fear, another sin that weakens love. I wanted us to end because of my fears and doubts in my mind. And you , yes you, re-acted as any he-man would do. You lashed back with cruel words and made me believe that your love was un-true. But, in my heart I know you care, as I also do. Life has dealt us a cruel fate, a fate that causes pain to be apart. But, if we were truly meant to be together we would be. So, Darling I am sorry for all the pain I caused and forgive your words that also takes love away. I know how to enrage you. I know how to make you love. I know how to create desire within you, and I know how to kill the love. You only follow my lead as " a man only does just what a woman makes him do". But, deep inside of me I will always care for you. I am ashamed of our sorrowful parting.
@ Dottie Fontaine
