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From the mouths of babes.
Two days after the fourth of july on a dry afternoon a young girl found her dad's firework stash. The mother was very busy doing her daily chores, wich had been left unattended while she was sick. So the mother had no idea what her 7 year onld child was up to. The young child had taken her discovery into the field behind the barn so her parents would not become wise to her discovery. One after another she lit the fuses, threw them and watched as they danced merrily. Suddenly a gust of wind came from no where just as the young child was throwing. With the help from the wind the firework traveled threw the window of the barn. Suddenly the flames, fuled by very dry hay, grew to monsterous size. The young girl seeing no other course of action ran into her house and yelled, "Mmmmmmooooooooommmmmmmyyyyyy.' The mother came running to the back door to see what was the matter. The young ladie tells her, "I was playing with a firework and it went into the barn now it is on fire and I don't know what to do." The mother then runs to the back of the house, sees the fire ridden barn and turns to the young child. "Your dad is going to kill you when he get home." The young girl looks at her and smile, "No he won't" she replies. YES HE WILL YOUNG LADY." The young girl only giggles a little at this rather loud threat. The mother too upset to be any more angry at the child asks, "ok why do you say he won't do nuthin' to you." The child simply replies, "well becouse mom he was in the barn."
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